Real Yield Revenue Resources

Our main goal is to bring real yield to MangaFi ecosystems, netting positively for HONO holders.

Our team at MangaFi only intends to build a sustainable project with sustainable yet significantly rewarding revenue sources for our investors.

MangaFi will earn Real Yield Revenue in ETH from the following sources:

  1. HONO arbitrage: As the sole minter/redeemer of HONO, MangaFi will arbitrage the premium on the market as people buy/sell their HONO.

  2. Uniswap v3 trading fees of protocol-owned liquidity: MangaFi will distribute the fees gained through people trading HONO on Uniswap v3.

  3. Uniswap v3 fees from pairs on liquidity engine: Like other AMMs that collect trading fees, we will collect trading fees on our Uniswap v3 pairs on the liquidity engine as revenue. We are different from other farms because concentrated liquidity will generate significantly more volume and, thus, more fees than regular AMMs. Also, since univ3 pairs accrue 100% of fees, we don’t have to share any with Uniswap. In short, we benefit 100% from traders on Uniswap v3 without needing our own AMM.

Last updated